Company Highlight: Black Rifle Coffee Company

Company Highlight: Black Rifle Coffee Company Company Highlight: Black Rifle Coffee Company

Black Rifle Coffee Company isn't just another caffeine peddler; it's a testament to American grit, veteran pride, and damn good java, among other things. Founded by former Green Beret Evan Hafer and former Green Beret Mat Bestthis company has exploded onto the scene like a well-placed charge, detonating expectations and redefining what it means to be a patriotic business.

Why spotlight Black Rifle this week? Simple. In a world where corporations often shy away from bold stances, these folks charge headlong into the fray, firearms in one hand, fresh roast in the other. They've built more than a brand; they've cultivated a community that celebrates service, second amendment rights, and the pursuit of the perfect cup. All while supporting American patriotism and values. 

But don't mistake their bravado for bluster. Behind the tactical aesthetics and gun-toting baristas lies a company with a rock-solid mission: supporting veterans, first responders, and the American way of life. Every bag of beans, every merchandised mug, every sip of their coffee contributes to a larger cause.

So, strap in and caffeinate up. We're about to dive deep into the world of the Black Rifle Coffee Company – where the coffee's strong, the values are stronger, and the commitment to America is unshakeable. Can we get a "f*ck yeah" for that!!! 

Black Rifle Coffee's Company Background

Black Rifle Coffee Company's origin story reads like a Hollywood script – but only if Hollywood had the cajones to produce it. Picture this: a Green Beret, between deployments to the world's hottest hellholes, obsessing over coffee roasts and firearm mechanics at the same time. That's Evan Hafer, folks – a man who decided the best way to serve his country post-military was to caffeinate the shit out of it.

Founded in 2014, BRCC wasn't born in a cushy boardroom or a Silicon Valley garage. No, this company was forged in the crucible of combat zones and refined in the quiet moments between firefights. Hafer's mission? Serve a cup of joe that's as bold and unapologetic as the folks who drink it.

From day one, BRCC has marched to the beat of its own drum – or perhaps the rhythmic fire of an M4. Their values? As clear as a freshly pulled espresso shot: honor those who protect, defend, and support our country. It's not just lip service; it's baked into every aspect of their operation.

Key milestones? How about growing from a one-man roasting operation to a nationwide phenomenon faster than you can field strip an AR-15? Or maybe it's their commitment to hiring 10,000 veterans – a goal as ambitious as it is admirable. Then there's their expansion into media, launching Coffee or Die Magazine and the Free Range American platform, because why stop at conquering the coffee world?

But perhaps their most significant achievement is less tangible. In a time when many companies play it safe, tiptoeing around anything remotely controversial, BRCC has stood its ground. They've weathered storms of criticism, boycott attempts, and media firestorms with the same resilience that got them through military service.

Love 'em or hate 'em, you can't ignore 'em. Black Rifle Coffee Company isn't just selling coffee; they're selling a slice of American pride, served hot and strong, with a side of irreverence and a generous helping of purpose.

Black Rifle's American Made Products & Services 

Step into the world of Black Rifle Coffee Company, and you'll find yourself surrounded by an arsenal of American-made goodness that'll make your patriotic heart swell like never before. 

Let's start with the obvious: the coffee. The beans are imported for quality but the rest happens right here at home. From their "Silencer Smooth" light roast that sneaks up on you like a well-trained sniper, to the "Beyond Black" dark roast that hits harder than a 50 cal – every blend is a love letter to American coffee culture.

But BRCC isn't content with just conquering your taste buds. They've expanded their product to include t-shirts, hats, mugs and more. Want to drink your freedom juice in style? Grab one of their grenade mugs, a cup that's emblazoned with enough attitude to make a bald eagle blush. Need a new t-shirt to show off those gains at the gym? They've got you covered with apparel that screams "I love America" louder than a monster truck at a demolition derby.

And let's not forget their ready-to-drink offerings. Cold brew so smooth it could talk its way out of a speeding ticket, and canned lattes that pack more punch than a heavyweight's right hook. All made right here in the U.S. of A, because why outsource when you can outperform?

But here's the kicker – every purchase does more than just fuel your caffeine addiction or expand your wardrobe. It's a direct investment in the American economy. BRCC sources domestically whenever possible, partners with American manufacturers, and employs a workforce that's more star-spangled than a Fourth of July parade.

They're not just creating products; they're creating American jobs. From the roasters in Salt Lake City to the warehouse workers in Manchester, Tennessee, to the content creators pumping out media, to all the employees at their coffee shop locations across the country – BRCC is an American job-creating juggernaut.

In a world where "Made in America" is often more marketing ploy than reality, Black Rifle Coffee Company stands as a caffeinated beacon of truth. They're not just talking the talk; they're walking the walk, one American-made product at a time. It's enough to make you stand up and salute – right after you finish that last sip of coffee, of course.

BRCC Leads The Way With Patriotic Initiatives 

Black Rifle Coffee Company doesn't just wave the flag; they salute it, defend it, and then use it as a parachute to deliver coffee to freedom-loving Americans everywhere. Their patriotic initiatives are more numerous than the stars on Old Glory, and just as bright.

First up, let's talk about their commitment to veterans. BRCC doesn't just hire vets; they're on a mission to employ 10,000 of them. It's like they're building their own caffeinated army, armed with espresso machines instead of M4s. But it goes beyond employment. They've partnered with organizations like the Green Beret Foundation and the Warrior Spirit Project, channeling funds and support to those who've served and still need our help.

Speaking of service, BRCC has a soft spot for first responders too. They've launched initiatives like the "Thin Blue Line" roast, with proceeds supporting law enforcement charities. It's their way of saying "thanks for keeping us safe" while also keeping America's finest wide awake on those long night shifts.

But wait, there's more! Their "Coffee or Die" initiative takes patriotism to new heights. For every bag of this special roast sold, they donate a bag to deployed troops. It's like a caffeinated care package, ensuring our men and women in uniform never have to suffer through subpar instant coffee while defending our freedom.

Community involvement? They're all over it like the sprinkles on my favorite donut. From sponsoring local events to supporting small businesses, BRCC is more engaged with their communities than most of their boring competitors. They've even been known to show up at disaster sites, slinging free coffee to first responders and victims alike.

And let's not forget their commitment to American manufacturing. While it might be cheaper to outsource, BRCC keeps it stateside, supporting American jobs and ensuring quality that's more consistent than a metronome. It's not just about making coffee; it's about making America stronger, one cup at a time.

But perhaps their most audacious patriotic move is their unapologetic celebration of American culture. In a time when many brands tiptoe around national pride, BRCC dives in headfirst, firearms and all. They're not just selling coffee; they're selling a lifestyle – one that honors service, celebrates freedom, and isn't afraid to ruffle a few feathers along the way. We should all "man up" and follow this mantra. 

From supporting troops to boosting local economies, from honoring first responders to championing American manufacturing, Black Rifle Coffee Company's patriotic initiatives are as rich and full-bodied as their darkest roast. It's enough to make you stand up and sing the national anthem – just be sure to put your coffee down first. We wouldn't want you to spill that delicious freedom all over your lap.

BRCC's Founder Spotlight: Evan Hafer 

Evan Hafer isn't your average coffee mogul. He's more likely to be found on a shooting range or river basin than in a boardroom, and his idea of "casual Friday" probably involves shooting stuff in the great outdoors. But make no mistake – this former Green Beret has brewed up a coffee empire that's as bold as his military career.

Hafer's journey to coffee kingpin is something the Cohen Brothers might make a movie about. Between those deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, he wasn't always kicking back with a cold one during his downtime. Although I'm sure many beers were had along the way. No, this overachiever was honing two seemingly unrelated skill sets: roasting coffee and being a Green Beret - totally normal right. It's like he was preparing for a very niche apocalypse where only the caffeinated sharpshooting, American loving, gun-toting people survive.

"I started Black Rifle Coffee Company to provide high-quality coffee to the pro-American and Veteran communities," Hafer states, with the kind of straightforward determination that probably served him well in Special Forces. But this wasn't just about slapping a flag on a bag of beans. Hafer spent over a decade researching coffee, refining his roast profiles, and (of course) drinking what he came up with. 

What sets Hafer apart isn't just his military background or his coffee expertise – it's his unapologetic approach to, well, everything. In a world where many CEOs are more sanitized than a hospital operating room, Hafer is refreshingly blunt. He's not afraid to ruffle feathers, take stands, or blend his love for country with his passion for a good brew.

But don't mistake his bravado for a lack of substance. Hafer's commitment to quality is as unwavering as his patriotism. "I take pride in the coffee we roast, the veterans we employ, and the causes we support," he says, and you get the feeling he'd stake his life on each of those claims.

Under Hafer's leadership, Black Rifle Coffee Company has become more than just a business – it's a movement. It's a rallying point for those who love America, respect service, and demand a damn good cup of joe. And while some might raise an eyebrow at the blend of coffee and gun culture, Hafer sees it as the most natural pairing since peanut butter and jelly.

From Green Beret to Executive Chairman, Evan Hafer's journey is a testament to the American dream – if that dream involves enough caffeine to fuel a small army and enough firepower to defend it. He's built a brand that's as much about values as it is about value, as focused on community as it is on profit.

In a world of corporate-speak and watered-down messaging, Hafer and Black Rifle Coffee Company stand out like a shot of espresso in a world full of decaf. Love him or hate him, you can't deny that Evan Hafer has created something unique – a coffee company with a mission that goes far beyond the bottom line. As far as I'm concerned, that's something worth saluting, preferably with a steaming cup of BRCC's finest in the other hand.

Who Could Forget BRCC's CO-Founder Mat Best 

When you think of Black Rifle Coffee Company, two names should come to mind: Evan Hafer and Mat Best. 

We've already talked about Evan Hafer, the coffee-obsessed Green Beret who started making good coffee overseas. But now let's shift our crosshairs to Mat Best, the co-founder who's turned BRCC into a household name by amassing millions of views from his unique content. 

Mat Best isn't your average joe. He's more like a triple shot of espresso with a nitro cold brew chaser. This guy joined the Army at 17, probably while most of us were still trying to figure out how to do our own laundry. He went on to serve five deployments with the 2nd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, splitting his time between Iraq and Afghanistan.

But once home, Mat wasn't done serving his country. After hanging up his Army boots, he laced up a different pair for five years with the CIA. It's like he looked at James Bond and thought, "Pfft, I can do that but sexier." And he probably did, minus any Aston Martins, martinis or Bond girls of course. 

Now, you might think a guy with this kind of background would be all serious and nothing but business. Which couldn't be further from the truth. You see Mat's got a funny bone that's as well-developed as his trigger finger. He started creating hilarious satirical YouTube videos that quickly spread through the military and veteran communities. His comedic takes on military life have racked up millions of views, proving that sometimes, laughter really is the best medicine – especially when it's paired with something as rigid as the military. 

Mat's not just about making people laugh, though. He's a serial entrepreneur multiple brands under his belt. Article 15 Clothing, Leadslingers Spirits, the Drinkin' Bros Podcast – this guy's been busier since leaving the military than he ever was in it.

But it's his role in Black Rifle Coffee Company that's really put him on the map. While Evan Hafer was perfecting the art of roasting, Mat was perfecting the art of marketing. He's the mad genius behind BRCC's outrageous, over-the-top content that's made the company more than just a coffee brand – it's a lifestyle you fool. 

Mat's approach to marketing is blunt force funny and it's seriously effective. He's essentially taken BRCC's message and amplified it with the force of a thousand caffeinated soldiers. Whether it's videos of coffee-powered acrobatics or tongue-in-cheek jabs at hipster coffee culture, Mat's content has given BRCC a voice that's unmistakably unique in the corporate world.

But don't let the jokes fool you. Behind that grin and those viral videos is a shrewd businessman with a passion for supporting his fellow veterans. Mat's not just selling coffee; like his co-founder he's creating opportunities for vets, one bag of beans at a time.

In 2019, Mat added another notch to his belt with his memoir, "Thank You for My Service." Co-authored with Ross Patterson and Nils Parker, the book shot to the top of the Wall Street Journal and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists in now time. It's a raw, humorous, and sometimes heartbreaking look at military service that perfectly encapsulates Mat's ability to find humor in even the toughest situations.

From Army Ranger to CIA contractor, from YouTube sensation to coffee empire co-founder, Mat Best has lived enough lives to fill a dozen books. He's like a real-life action hero, except instead of riding off into the sunset, he's probably filming content about it with his band of lovable heathens. 

Together, both Mat and Even have created more than just a coffee company. They've created a movement, a community, and a brand that's as American as AR-15s and apple pie.

BRCC's Innovation & Future Plans

Black Rifle Coffee Company isn't content to rest on its laurels like some caffeine-addled Smaug atop a mountain of coffee beans. No, they're charging into the future with the same intensity they bring to their roasts. First up, let's talk product innovation. BRCC isn't just sticking to traditional coffee. They're experimenting with new blends and word on the street is they're developing roasts that could make a sloth run a marathon. But it's not just about the beans. They're also diving into the ready-to-drink market with the fervor of a kid in a candy store, rolling out canned coffees and energy drinks that pack a freakin punch. 

But BRCC's innovation isn't limited to what's in your cup. They're also leveraging technology by connecting their local coffee shop locations to an easy-to-order mobile app. They're also rumored to be exploring blockchain technology for supply chain transparency. Soon, you might be able to trace your coffee from farm to cup with outstanding precision. 

On the business front, BRCC is expanding rapidly. They're opening more and more retail locations across the country, bringing their unique brand of caffeinated patriotism to Main Streets everywhere. But these aren't your average coffee shops. Picture a place where you can get your coffee fix while talking rifle selections and caliber comparisons. It's like if Starbucks and a gun range had a baby, and that baby was raised by Uncle Sam and then started making coffee. 

Looking to the future, BRCC is not just aiming to be the coffee of choice for patriots; they're gunning to be a lifestyle brand that rivals the biggest names in the game. We're talking clothing lines, gear, maybe even BRCC-branded tactical equipment. 

But perhaps their most exciting venture is in the media space. With their "Coffee or Die" magazine and various podcast ventures, BRCC is positioning itself as a content and media powerhouse. In short, they're not just selling coffee; they're selling a slice of Americana, served up with a side of attitude and a hefty dose of caffeine that gets distributed across all social media platforms. 

And let's not forget their commitment to veterans. As they grow, so does their ability to support and employ more vets. They're creating careers not jobs, and building a network of support for vets that should 100% be molded by others trying to do the same. 

BRCC's Impact On America 

When it comes to customer impact, Black Rifle Coffee Company doesn't just hit the mark – they obliterate it like a well-placed shot from 500 yards out. Their coffee doesn't just wake people up; it gives them a reason to get out of bed and attack the day with the ferocity of a cocaine grizzly bear. To put it simply, it's the idea behind the coffee and not just the coffee itself that makes BRCC so inspiring. 

BRCC's commitment to hiring veterans has also created a ripple effect in business communities across America. The company's boldness around hiring vets has surely inspired other businesses, including this one, to do the same for our beloved veterans. 

From small towns to big cities, from fire stations to tech startups, Black Rifle Coffee Company isn't just selling a product; they're fueling a lifestyle that reminds us of who we are and where we came from. That hard work and personal sacrifice pave the way to success. That America is still the tip of spear and supporting this great Nation is a worthy cause. They're not just impacting customers; they're creating advocates, building communities and proving that doing the right thing, no matter the political climate is always the way forward. In a busy bankrupt world where morality and ethics are as fleeting as a coffee high, BRCC has managed to create something rare and very special. 

In Conclusion, We Love BRCC!

Black Rifle Coffee Company is distilling the very essence of American grit into each cup of Joe they serve. From their humble beginnings during Evan Hafer's deployments to becoming a nationwide phenomenon, BRCC has proven that with enough caffeine, determination and bravery, anything is possible.

What sets this company apart isn't just their bold flavors or their even bolder marketing. It's their unwavering commitment to the values that built this nation. In an era where many corporations change their stance faster than you can say "venti soy latte," BRCC stands firm, a caffeinated sentinel guarding the principles of service, sacrifice, and second amendment rights.

By employing veterans, supporting first responders, and championing American entrepreneurship, BRCC is doing more than just talking the patriotic talk – they're walking the walk, one boot-clad step at a time. They've created a community where every purchase is a small act of patriotism and every sip a salute to those who serve.

As we wrap up this company highlight, it's clear that Black Rifle Coffee Company embodies the American spirit in every sense. They're bold, unapologetic, and always ready to charge headfirst into the fray – be it in business or in support of their community. 

So, what's the call to action here? It's simple. If you believe in supporting veteran-owned businesses, if you stand for American values, or if you just appreciate a damn good cup of joe, give Black Rifle Coffee Company a shot, you won't be disappointed! 

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